Cherry Tree offers you the short cut to German Master German the GOETHE way

Learning to speak, read and write German will benefit you in many ways. This is the language that can get you communicating through many European countries. It is also the language that you MUST know in order to study or work in Germany

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Cherry Tree’s Special Features for German Language Study

  • We offer courses that are much faster. We can assure you that you will reach the B2 level in just 6 months whereas elsewhere it will take you a year or more to reach this level of study
  • At Cherry Tree we follow the new set of GOETHE books. The new set has not been publicly proclaimed. So, where every other institute still follow the old tried and tested books, we have the latest books with a very effective and direct approach to learning the language effectively
  • Our students appear for the International GOETHE examinations which is widely acknowledged. There are other examinations like the ECL and the Austrian state approved OSD. But the best way to assess your German Language Mastery is through the GOETHE way.
  • Enrolling at Cherry Tree gives you the added leverage of being able to appear for the B2 level examination in Germany!!!
  • The German Language Faculty, Guides and Trainers at Cherry Tree are all very proficient and highly experienced. They include people who have lived and worked in Germany for several years
  • Cherry Tree prepares you to weather the culture shock of shifting to Germany. Our instructors will cushion your arrival and early days in Germany by teaching you what to expect when you reach there. Tips will be given on how to travel, best places to stay, how and what to eat and above all how to approach people
  • Cherry Tree also guarantees you placement support when you have successfully cleared the B” Level

The GOETHE Examination

(German A1 exam pattern is quite simple. As it’s a language, there are 4 modules- Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking. It is 60 points exam and you have to score 36 points (60%) to pass the exam.):

  • Listening (Hören) Time- 20 min, Points- 15
  • Reading (Lesen) Time : 25 min, 15 Points
  • Writing (Schreiben) Time: 20 min, 15 points
  • Speaking (Sprechen)Time: 15 min, 15 points

A1 12 Chapters. This is a Beginners Level

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You will learn: Simple daily interactions, and introduction:

  • Greetings and Farewells
  • Introductions: Saying where one is from; Saying what languages one speaks; Asking and telling how one is doing; Talking about Family (he, she, we, you, they); Talking about one’s apartment Talking about hobbies and free time; Talking about what one can and cannot do; Talking about what one wants; Talking about where one is from; Talking about others
  • Counting; Using cardinal and ordinal numbers Expressing prices, units, and packaging; Buying items over the counter Naming groceries; Ordering food; Comparing things
  • Filling out registration forms; Writing emails and messages; Writing and understanding text messages in German; Reading and writing invitations; Talking about holidays in Germany; Writing formal letters. Talking about what one has; Expressing not having and needing things; Talking about what things are not (kein, keine)
  • Talking about furniture; Reading apartment ads
  • Telling time; Talking about daily routines (split verbs); Expressing dates; Describing what one does at different times of the day
  • Talking about jobs and professions; Talking about the weather; Expressing not having things (accusative)
  • Interacting at the doctor; Writing excuses; Making appointments on the phone; Giving directions; Complaining, expressing pain, naming body parts
  • Expressing things in the past; Talking about daily routines in the past
  • Naming days of the week; Naming months.

A2 Advanced grammar vocabulary for Elementary Level: 12 Chapters

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  • Answering “Why” questions; Expressing the past (split verbs); Describing sequences of actions in the past (zuerst, dann, etc.); Asking about whether something has ever been done.
  • Talking about vacations; Talking about weekend plans; Talking about events and cultural activities; Talking about extended family; Expressing “to put” in German, Talking about the location of items and places and placing them; Asking people to come in, out, over, etc.);
  • Reading short messages and notes; Talking about frequency; Using “some” and “one” in German;
  • Naming kitchen utensils and talking about food; Ordering, complaining and explaining in a restaurant.
  • Offering and declining; Talking about cause and effect (wenn-dann); Looking for jobs; Talking about what one should do; Assigning ownership of known items (deinen, deins, etc.);
  • Saying “already” and “not yet”; Saying “someone” and “no one”; Using reflexives (“oneself” – “sich”); Talking about interests and health; Talking about activities; Asking and answering questions with “Wo” (“wofür”, “worauf”, “womit”, etc.); Talking about past and current situations and the differences between them (wollte, konnte, sollte, etc.); Expressing what one thinks or believes (…,dass…); Talking about gifts and “to whom” they are given.
  • Expressing doing things “in spite of” …; Using conditionals (wäre, hätte, würde); Talking about possibilities (könnte); Using the comparative and superlative; Understanding brochures and flyers; Complaining about orders;
  • Using the post office; Using “one”/”you” in German; Using the passive in German; Talking about preferences; Talking about types; Leaving telephone messages; Apologizing; Expressing origins, destinations and locations; Expressing different types of motion (um, durch, über, entlang); Giving reasons (deshalb, deswegen);
  • Asking for information; Asking “who”, “when” and “where” questions effectively; Asking about opening hours; Using “if”-sentences; Talking about about past points in time and past frequencies;
  • Dealing with banks; Using the passive; Asking people to wait; Using “during”; Giving advice; Handling conflicts in German; Talking about consequences.

B1 10 Chapters More grammar…talk And write articles…equal to 9th/ 10th grade

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  • Talking about past events (wenn, als); Describing accidents; Expressing past ownership and wishes; Expressing fortunate and unfortunate occurrences; “Plusquamperfekt”.
  • Reading and writing emails; Formulating longer sentences in German (…,der…); Understanding newspaper headlines; Talking about tv shows
  • Reading and composing biographies; Past tense (flog, ging); Talking about the sequence of past events; (Ich war umgefallen); Describing degrees (besonders, ziemlich, etc.); Using “even though” in German; Comparing options;; Making suggestions; Giving reasons; Agreeing; Declining and disagreeing; Giving alternative options; Reading German fiction
  • Understanding German marketing and ads; Making sales pitches; Talking professionally to customers; Talking about products; Complaining about products and services; Talking about prevention; Using fractions; Evaluating theories and assumptions; Talking about statistics; Expressing the consequences of hypothetical situations;
  • Expressing reasoning; Talking about shared experiences; Talking about unreal conditions; Expressing one’s opinion; Asking follow-up questions and reacting;
  • Talking about careers; Talking about degrees of ease and convenience; Reading and understanding job ads; Writing application letters; Interviewing effectively; Conducting small talk; Ending conversations
  • Expressing anger; Expressing sympathy; Reporting. Talking about being formal and informal in German
  • Talking about games and conditions; Speaking about people; Reading classified ads; Describing people; Offering the “du”; Expressing “seemingly” and “as if” in German;
  • Making decisions; Asking for help; Giving advice; Reacting surprised or critical; Expressing agreement; Expressing disinterest; Asking for help; Commenting; Telling stories; Expressing problems; Talking about future actions; Convincing or persuading someone;
  • Reading newspaper articles; Talking about political issues in Germany; Asking for opinions; Talking about history; Describing countries; Presenting advantages and disadvantages; Expressing wishes and desires.

B2 10 Chapters Will be able to speak fluently with native speakers .

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  • Understand the main ideas of complex text on both concrete and abstract topics, including technical discussions in your field of specialization.​​
  • Interact with a degree of fluency and spontaneity that makes regular interaction with native speakers quite possible without strain for either party.​​
  • Produce clear, detailed text on a wide range of subjects and explain a viewpoint on a topical issue giving the advantages and disadvantages of various options.
  • Will learn to use idioms in expressions